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Watercolour on Arches
Painting size: 580mm x 400mm,
Frame size: 860mm x 615mm.
PRICE: $895.00
If you are interested in this painting please
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contact me for more information.
This painting is of a reserve on the Mitta Mitta River downstream from Eskdale, Victoria. It is looking upstream from the left bank of the river.
As I was heading back to my home in Thurgoona I stopped at this reserve just off the Omeo Highway. I had just collected my paintings from the 2021 Mitta Valley Art & Photography Exhibition so I was in an "art" frame of mind when I stopped for a quiet break by the river.
When I saw the pebbles on the bank, I recalled seeing a video years ago that showed how to paint pebbles on a beach. Granted, the video showed painting pebbles on an English seaside beach, but I thought the same principles could apply when painting this river bank.
I took a few shots as reference photos so I could try this idea out.
When I got home, I found the video and watched it several times while taking notes. I stretched some watercolour paper and tried the technique out. The most time consuming part of the exercise was waiting for each successive layer of paint and masking fluid to dry, so the application time itself was not that long.
At first I only painted the pebble part of the scene as an exercise and it worked !! It looked really impressive, so I completed the rest of that painting by adding the river, the far bank and the background.
That first exercise was of a downstream view and I included a fly
fisherman standing in the centre of the stream.
For more information on that painting please CLICK HERE.
This painting was created from the other reference photos I took on that day and by using the experience I gained from painting that first downstream painting I created this artwork.
This painting has a
Certificate of Authenticity attached to the back of the painting as
this is my genuine, original 'one-of-a-kind' artwork.